Check list when leaving
Check list when leaving
Turn off lights
All windows locked
All heat pumps turned off
All doors locked
Bedroom door, slide is engaged
Kitchen door, lock the door by pulling up on the handle and check that the dead bolt is engaged
Living room door, lock the door by pulling up on the handle and check that the dead bolt is engaged
Master bedroom door, lock the door by pulling up on the handle and check that the dead bolt is engaged
Outside plants on deck watered
Asian screen folded to cover the TV
Remove the used pods from the Nespresso machine
Garbage and recycle cans taken out to curb and secured with the bungie cords
Out door cushions brought in
Spa cover secured
Kitchen cleaned
Floors vacuumed
Dish washer started
All facets turned off
Beds changed
Fresh towels hung up
Towels and sheets washed
Lock the front door and dead bolted